Fred Ogletree

F. Tyrone Ogletree is a native southerner, born and raised in Atlanta, Georgia. He is a graduate of Savannah State University and is a member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. After he finished college he got more serious bout his writing. He is an author and actor.
The Seven Women I Once Loved is his second literary publication and is sure to be a work to which many can relate. It is a unique rendering of a common life experience that doesn’t attempt to replicate how other authors have approached this same subject matter.
Ogletree previously published The Light of the Unjust in 2005 to enthusiastic reviews. Initially finding himself to have a firm dislike for writing earlier in his life, the author transcended this by using his writing as an outlet to vent his frustrations. What began as a type of therapy for him progressed into something creative, constructive, and great. The art of writing has now evolved into his passion.
Fred Ogletree has also acted in a few short films and television shows. He has more writings pending release in the near future. Prepare to be dazzled by his works! He has been on the show SNAPPED, FATAL ATTRACTION, several short films and commercials. He has more projects coming up in the near future.